Get Involved

Get Involved - We Need You
We humbly solicit your assistance in any or all of the following ways.
Make A Donations

You can also make your donations by paying into any of our accounts listed below and for other donations, contact us via our phone number or email address.

Bank: Zenith Bank
Account Name: Dorcas Adunola Oyediji Home (A&LPC)
Account No: 1013717769

You can help an Orphan today by:
Finance his or her education. Please Click here to make donation to finance a Dorcas Oyediji Home’s education.

Provide food and clothes for a child. To contribute, Please Click here to make donation

Make the child part of your family and lavish your love on him or her. Click here to read more…


– Visit and spend quality time with Dorcas Oyediji Home
– Sponsor Outings & extra-curricular activities for healthy, emotional and mental growth of the Dorcas Oyediji Home

For more details on any of the above, please send mails to
or call +234 803 302 1313 To contribute, click here to make donation

Take action by partnering
with us today